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Tag: millicent airport

Airport May Two   TBW Newsgroup

Council to lease ‘prime’ land

WATTLE Range Council is set to lease a parcel of prime farm land near Millicent to local farmer James Mowbray. The council has accepted the...
Airport May Two   TBW Newsgroup

Council yet to land new airport grazing site lease

THE next lease holder of a prime parcel of publicly-owned cropping and grazing land at Millicent has yet to be determined. The 68 hectares (168...
Airport Two April   TBW Newsgroup

Millicent flight delay

HUMAN error has been attributed as the cause of a Royal Flying Doctor Service plane being delayed at the Millicent airport on Monday night. A...

Dry lightening hits the region

A FREAK storm hit the reigon this week with many enjoying the lightshow. Dry lightning struck across the Limestone Coast spartking more than 135...

Field day success