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Tag: milk

Farmers seek change to food standards

SOUTH East dairy farmers are among those urging the Federal Government to change the country's food standards in a bid to ban plant-based products...

Indian veterinarians tour region

FOUR veterinarians from India have toured dairy farms across the South East this week to learn innovative techniques to boost milk production and improve...

Solid milk price

SOUTH Australian Dairyfarmers Association president John Hunt has welcomed an upward swing in opening farmgate milk prices this season. Canadian dairy giant Saputo - which...

Dairy industry relieved

THE Australian dairy industry looks to have normalised, with a decent seasonal outlook and better farmgate prices encouraging increased production according to the latest...

Dairy group confident of licence approval

UP to 10 local jobs are expected to become available at the multi-million dollar Blue Lake Dairy Group in coming months if a lucrative...

Industry milked dry

SOUTH East dairy farmers have been delivered another major blow with an industry processing giant's shock announcement of rock-bottom farmgate milk prices. Victorian based processor...

New leader for UniSA

There will soon be a new face at the helm of the University of South Australia's Mount Gambier/ Berrin campus as regional manager Ian...