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Tag: Member for Barker Tony Pasin

Penola power shapes next decade

THE vision for the Penola district over the next decade will be redefined at a public meeting next week as Wattle Range Council moves...

Community gathers to celebrate national pride at The Rail

HUNDREDS gathered at the Mount Gambier railway lands precinct on Saturday to celebrate national pride and the achievements of several community members. The traditional Australia...

Mental health investment

MEMBER for Barker Tony Pasin has welcomed a record $1.45b Federal Government investment for community mental health services. Mr Pasin said the Federal Government's commitment...

Students urged to apply for STEM course scholarship

MEMBER for Barker Tony Pasin has encouraged South East students to apply for a Federal Government-funded scholarship to study a science, technology, engineering or...

New agreement gives irrigators security for future

REGIONAL communities now have certainty after an historic agreement between federal, state and territory governments that secures the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Member for Barker Tony...

Japanese trade explored

SOUTH East officials joined a national delegation to Japan last week as part of a mission to explore opportunities for the nation's forestry sector. The...

South East shoppers urged to look local first

AS the festive season quickly approaches, Member for Barker Tony Pasin has encouraged community members to "Think Big and Shop Small" this Christmas period...

South East on track

A STUDY investigating the value of reestablishing rail in the Green Triangle Region has been welcomed by the city's state and federal MPs. Independent MP...

Naracoorte museum welcomes major funding announcement

THE South Australian Fire Fighters Museum in Naracoorte has received a major boost following the announcement of $160,000 of federal funding for the project. Member...

Pasin defends costly charter

MEMBER for Barker Tony Pasin has defended a decision to charter a private plane from Mount Gambier at a cost of almost $6000 to...

Community voice heard

MEMBER for Barker Tony Pasin will hold a community meeting in Millicent on November 8 as part of his continued effort to ensure local...

Abuse victims gather for formal apology

VICTIMS of institutional child sexual abuse gathered at emotional events across the country on Monday for a formal apology from the Australian Government. Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered the National Apology at[...]

Dry lightening hits the region

A FREAK storm hit the reigon this week with many enjoying the lightshow. Dry lightning struck across the Limestone Coast spartking more than 135...

Field day success