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Tag: Melbourne

Charity ride rolls through Penola

AFTER a gruelling 160km ride from Keith, Silver Lining Ride participants received a warm welcome from locals as they cycled into Penola last Tuesday. Led...

LEGO event raises money for animals in need

WHAT once was a childhood game has transformed into an opportunity to create change for Glencoe resident and LEGO enthusiast Emma Robinson. Exploring her creativity...

AFL honours volunteer

MILLICENT'S Craig Tunkin is the toast of the sporting community across South Australia as he was named the AFL Volunteer of the Year on...

Fidler and Webb development on hold

THE looming demolition of the dilapidated Fidler and Webb building in Mount Gambier will be pushed back to early next year amid delays in...

Kai rides high

A HANDFUL of Mount Gambier drivers travelled to Melbourne's Todd Road Circuit to test their luck against some of the best go-karters in the...

103rd birthday celebration

INDEPENDENT and "loving" are the words used to describe Mount Gambier resident and World War II veteran Nancy (Nan) Bradley as she celebrated her...

Local bakery serves winning pastries

SERVING a variety of mouth-watering pastries and cakes, Mount Gambier's Sugar 'n Spice and All Things Nice has proved it's the place to beat...

Dry lightening hits the region

A FREAK storm hit the reigon this week with many enjoying the lightshow. Dry lightning struck across the Limestone Coast spartking more than 135...

Field day success