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Tag: mcdonalds

First of it’s kind McDonald’s store on target for late October opening

GOLDEN Arches will soon be visible on the city's eastern fringe, with the rapid development of Mount Gambier's second McDonald's restaurant on track and...

McHappy news for fast food business

McDONALD'S Australia has received planning approval to build a second store in Mount Gambier, which will boast a "flagship" decor design for the fast...

Macca’s serves up $6m plan

MOUNT Gambier City Council development assessors will pore over a multi-million dollar application for a second McDonald's store in the Blue Lake city. Council has...

Golden opportunity awaits city

ATTAMURRA Road could be the home of a new McDonald's Family Restaurant if an application submitted to the Mount Gambier City Council Development Assessment...

Heated competition for shooters

IT was a tough monthly competition for the Mount Gambier Gun Club as the weather showed relentless heat during some close events. The opening event...