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Tag: mayor des noll

1081 Des Noll Smiling20181120  TBW Newsgroup

Wattle Range Mayor eyes leadership role

WATTLE Range Council could soon have a leader on the peak regional local government body for the first time in its 23-year history. Mayor Des...

LETTER: Wattle Range mayor responds to ratepayer criticism

Des Noll, Wattle Range Mayor I REFER to a recent letter to the editor that was published in the Border Watch on Tuesday, September 24...
Gardiner Noll Boweringweb TBW Newsgroup

New kiln in sights as council donates to Millicent art group

BACKING for an ambitious arts project in Millicent has recently come from Wattle Range Council. Mayor Des Noll recently called at the Millicent Arts and...

Council discusses water contamination

A VERBAL report by a scientific expert on contaminated groundwater at a Millicent timber treatment plant was curtailed at the January monthly meeting of...

Study reveals coastal insights

A new study by Flinders University has given key insights into South Australia’s coastal management by examining how Cape Dombey’s rocky headland in Robe...