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Offender jailed for drug possession

A MOUNT Gambier man who was caught with 10g of the drug commonly known as "ice" has been sentenced to one year, five months...

Offender jailed over fire and ice

A NARACOORTE man has been jailed for more than three years after ice-related hallucinations led to him lighting a bushfire in the South East. Milner...

Drug suspect back home awaiting trial

NARACOORTE man accused of dozens of drug trafficking charges has been released on home detention bail as court proceedings progress slowly. Jason Scott Davies, 45, appeared via video-link in the Mount Gambier[...]

Mandatory drug treatment legislation introduced

THE State Government has introduced legislation to provide for the option of mandatory treatment for children and young people dependent on drugs [...]

Drug trafficker jailed

A FORMER Mount Gambier man caught with almost nine grams of pure methamphetamine on two separate occasions has been jailed for two years. Thomas Jerome...

Identities revealed as accused drug traffickers face court

SIX of the eight men arrested in dawn raids throughout the South East yesterday morning have fronted the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court today and...

Police turn to public for illegal drug intel

ICE dealers will be thrown into the spotlight when a CrimeStoppers campaign to help track down local traffickers is launched in the South East today.[…]

Ice in focus at Mount Gambier forum

QUESTIONS surrounding rehabilitation opportunities dominated the Ice Update forum on Monday night when a panel of experts and key figures from the South East...

Groups unite to combat ice

THE insidious drug commonly known as ice continues to have a "crippling impact" on the Mount Gambier community. This is the important message from Limestone...

Inside operation Addenine

POLICE Operation Addenine first became public knowledge in August 2016 when details emerged that detectives had uncovered one of the largest drug distribution networks in South East [...]

Cutting edge show takes shape

UNCOVERING the dark world of ice addiction, Gener8 Theatre's In the Pines production promises to have people on the edge of their seats as...

Book shares substance abuse stories

DELVING into crystal methamphetamine addiction and the effects on families in the community, Headspace Mount Gambier's new book Operation Defrost is raw, honest and...

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Yarns and yodels at Brad Cox

BRAD Cox finished up his 'Yarns and Yodels' regional tour in Mount Gambier/Berrin on Sunday night. Supported by Bud Rokesky at the Sir Robert...