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Personal battle inspires pastor to help others

RAY Codling is eager to share what he believes is the answer to overcoming depression and anxiety. Following successful workshops in Naracoorte, he will run...

Renewable energy funding

THE State Government has called for applications for funding support for the next generation of renewable energy projects as part of its $150m Renewable Technology Fund.[...]

Biomass the future for forestry industry

BIOMASS technology could be the most viable solution for the region's timber processors as surging electricity prices and volatile energy security continue to plague...

‘Cents-less’ gas exploration risk

NEW claims have emerged the State Government has only banked $11m in royalties from South East gas production over the past 70 years, which...

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Civic centre lift in disrepair

City of Mount Gambier staff have assured they can still accommodate people with access needs, despite the Civic Centre's internal lift becoming inoperable. Council general...