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Tag: Elders

Val Brennan And Michelle Jaquelin Furr  TBW Newsgroup

Elders meet to improve key services

ELDERS from the region’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities gathered at Pangula Mannamurna Aboriginal Corporation last week to discuss how to strengthen relationships...
David Creek Dsc 0637  TBW Newsgroup

Stock agent hangs up hat after 50 years

THE past week has been a strange time for long-time Elders Mount Gambier livestock manager David Creek. After over five decades of dedication and commitment...
Wade Broadstock, Josh Reeves  TBW Newsgroup

Back-to-back title win

A SOUTH East stock agent has claimed back to back titles at the Australian Livestock and Property Agents' (ALPA) Young Auctioneers Competition held at...

Ram sale exceeds expectations

RYEVIEW'S tenth annual on-property ram sale results blew all the Millicent stud's previous averages out of the water. Michael and Julie Osborne recently held their...

Local agronomist learns from America’s best

MORE communication and region-specific research are just some of the areas to improve in the agriculture industry throughout the South East, according to local...

Revved up and ready to go

SPEEDWAY fans will be treated to more action tonight (January 3) when Borderline Speedway hosts a round of the Wingless Sprints Summer Slam series. A...