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Tag: economic development

GM crop ban still up in air

GRANT District Council has yet to take a formal stance on the issue of genetically modified crops. This follows new legislation scrapping the moratorium allowing...

Investors eye region

GRANT District Council economic development staff have revealed investors are scouring the area for suitable land for a number of proposed commercial projects. These include...

Singe sounds development plan

GRANT District Council’s newly appointed chief executive officer David Singe has foreshadowed his plans to drive economic development in the region. Speaking with The Border...

City budgets for future

MOUNT Gambier City Council's 2017/18 draft budget has flagged an average residential rate increase of around 4pc in the next financial year. The draft budget...

Display brings forest phenomenon to city

THE Lady Nelson Visitor and Discovery Centre will be open after dark this month to host a display of glowing ghost mushrooms, providing a...

City council seeks feedback

MOUNT Gambier City Council has invited public feedback on its 2018/19 draft annual business plan and budget, which will be considered before the adoption of a final plan/budget in June[...]

Businesses explore training options

THE Millicent Business Community Association (MBCA) is seeking input from local businesses on the type of short term and medium courses that could be...

Business tech show success

MORE than 50 local businesses and community members attended Mount Gambier City Council's first Business Tech Show at the Main Corner on Friday. City Council...

Tourism sector progresses industry plan

TOURISM Mount Gambier chair Kent Comley has revealed the tourism industry body will soon unveil a dynamic website to drive the city's visitor economy. The...

Robe goes vintage for Music Fair

THE streets of Robe will once again be filled with music as the town prepares to host the Robe Vinyl and Retro Music Fair...