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New season set to kick off

THE Millicent Squash Club is set to begin its Spring pennant competition, dependant on COVID-19 restrictions. The competition is open for all interested people, currently...

Big news offshore

THERE has been a lot of changes come into effect since I last wrote, but that has not slowed the fishing down at all. There...

Matthews defies wild weather

JAKE Matthews will not know whether to thank the awesome work in preparing the course by head greenkeeper Daniel Christian or the match committee...

One group, amazing result

IT is a pretty remarkable day when a hole-in-one is not the highlight of a round of golf. But that is exactly what happened at...

Wild and wet at the Bay

MOUNT BURR 45 d PORT MACDONNELL 26 IT was a wild and wet day for Round 13 of Mid South East netball, with strong...

Rising star shows her game

THE weather was kind to the small group of women who ventured out at the Blue Lake Golf Club, to play the second round...

Popular format enjoyed

THE popular competition of pinehurst was enjoyed by 14 pairs of women at the Mount Gambier Golf Club last week, generously sponsored by Lorraine...

Back-to-back for Mount Gambier

THE Mount Gambier District Indoor Bowls Association has returned from the South Australian Indoor Bias Bowls Regional Tournament with a swag of medals. The team...

Huge weekend at SEAC Park

MOTHER Nature saw fit to provide an exceptional weekend of sunshine for the South Eastern Automobile Club (SEAC) to hold the latest round of...

Dunn claims memorial handicap trophy

THE Garry Clifford Memorial Handicap Shoot was recently held at Burrungule Park, with 60 competitors nominated for the sporting clays event. In perfect winter weather...

Top start reaps rewards

JAKE Turner was locked and loaded on Saturday, taking out the Blue Lake Golf Club’s Stableford event with 40 points. Turner started in the...

Top scores for monthly shoot

THE Mount Gambier Gun Club held its monthly competition on Saturday in sunny and favourable conditions. Even as the light conditions started to fail later...

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Golf gods shine on Attamurra

SATURDAY once again provided perfect winter golf weather at the Attamurra course for the 111 players who contested the Spiderman SE men’s stableford competition....

Anglers head deep