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New Year’s Eve support under threat

MOUNT Gambier City Council will deliberate on whether to withdraw funding for the annual 2018 New Year’s Eve celebration at Vansittart Park following a...

Animal welfare league howls for help

THE future of the region’s largest community animal shelter remains on a financial knife-edge amid revelations its major funding partners are yet to pledge...

Budget surplus forecast for 2018/19 business plan

MOUNT Gambier City Council delivered a forecast $328,000 surplus when it adopted its 2018/19 annual business plan and budget at a special meeting on...

Indoor sports centre is not what it seems

WHEN the 10,008 signed petition supporting an indoor sports centre was presented to City Council it was decided to proceed with the first stage...

Civic leaders seek ideas to revitalise main street

ONE of the great challenges which has dogged City Council during the past 50 years or more has been the main street. Probably more than...

OPINION: Boandik Lodge pleads for funds while city ‘spends’ $40m

MOUNT Gambier aged care centre Boandik Lodge is the perfect example of how society is in danger of getting its priorities wrong by [...]

Soldiers memorial prepared for service

RESTORATION work at Vansittart Park’s Soldiers Memorial should be completed by the end of next week in anticipation of a full calendar of remembrance...

City streetscaping projects on track

MOUNT Gambier City Council will progress a number of engineering projects across the city in November[...]

Empty shops impact cityscape

EMPTY SHOP DILEMMA: Mount Gambier City Councillor Sonya Mezinec has moved a motion to facilitate a workshop with stakeholders and interested parties to...

Bold makeover faces backlash

A BOLD mosaic makeover as part of external renovations at the Mount Gambier Civic Centre has prompted passionate responses from South East residents. As the...

Golden opportunity awaits city

ATTAMURRA Road could be the home of a new McDonald's Family Restaurant if an application submitted to the Mount Gambier City Council Development Assessment...

Mayor given chance to defend unpaid bill

MOUNT Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee will have a chance to file a defence in the ongoing civil dispute between the city leader and a local building contractor.[...]

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Yarns and yodels at Brad Cox

BRAD Cox finished up his 'Yarns and Yodels' regional tour in Mount Gambier/Berrin on Sunday night. Supported by Bud Rokesky at the Sir Robert...