Weekend weather lifts golfers’ spirits

WEDNESDAY PAR COMPETITION: Division 1 third place Helen Myers, runner-up Helen Stratford winner Josie Ashby with Division 2 runner-up Lynette Hirth, winner Jaynee Oberer and third place Vivienne Wilson. (Supplied)


ALTHOUGH a gloomy start last Wednesday greeted the women of the Blue Lake Golf Club, golfers welcomed the sun later on for an enjoyable day on the fairways.

The Silver Salver was held for its fourth and final round in the format of a par competition.

Josie Ashby was back in the Division 1 winner’s circle after signing two-down off a handicap of 22.

Ashby’s card held mixed results with the front nine producing pluses on the first, sixth and eighth holes, along with five squared and one scrub on the ninth to turn to the back nine two-up.

Unfortunately a run of scrubs and only one par plus on the 15th hole saw her score drop to two-down, which was still good enough to take the top voucher.

In the runner-up spot was Helen Stratford with a score of four-down off a 22 handicap.

Stratford also had a bit of up and down with four squared, four scrubs and a par plus on the fifth hole to end on three-down.

On the back nine, Stratford held her own with a par plus from a chip-in on the 10th hole, a birdie on the 12th and pluses on the 14th and 18th to score one-down.

Helen Myers took third place with a handicap of 19, as she signed for five-down on the front nine which included five squared, a par plus on the eighth hole with three scrubs (2-down) and a back nine score of six squared and three scrubs (3-down).

Meanwhile, Jaynee Oberer from Division 2 managed to earn the top scorer honours for the day, with an impressive five-up.

Oberer scored par pluses on the first hole through to eighth going six-up to the back nine, only to drop one to finish five-up after a par plus on the 12th, six squared and two scrubs.

Lynette Hirth and Vivienne Wilson went to a countback after both posting all square on their scorecards.

Hirth off a 44 handicap had pluses on the fifth, sixth, 14th and 15th holes, (two-down/two-up).

Meanwhile, Wilson had pluses on the second, third and fifth holes, as well as the 11th, 14th and 15th (two-up/two-down), which secured Hirth in second place.

Nearest to the pin second shot winners on the par 3 second hole were Cherryl Hill (.58cms) and Gael Ford.

The pro-shot winner on the fifth hole was Lucy Richards while chip-in ferret prizes winners were Carol Melhuish on the first, Gael Ford on the second and 10th, Beryl Mahoney on the sixth, Myers on the eighth, Stratford on the 10th, Dianne Allen on the 11th and Hurth on the 15th.

Ford and Stratford both managed to score birdies on the second and 12th holes respectively.


ANOTHER foggy start greeted the early morning golfers last Saturday for a par competition.

Kate Hommellhoff returned to the podium after signing for all square to her handicap of 30 after pluses on the first and fourth holes (1-down).

This was followed by pluses on the 11th and 14th holes, with a birdie on the 16th and a plus on the 17th (1-up).

Lee Anderson found a place in the winner’s circle after a count back with Rosemary Martland with both signing for 2-down.

Anderson played off a handicap of 44 and had pluses on the fifth, sixth, 14th and 18th holes scored on every hole.

Martland worked hard off her handicap of 14, racking up par pluses on the third, eighth, 11th and 13th holes with equal three scrubs and four halved holes on both nines.