Right down to the wire

ON TARGET: Ebony McDiarmid looks for another goal. (Sophie Conlon 420681)


A TIGHTLY-CONTESTED game played out in Round 13 of Mid South East netball, as Kalangadoo hosted Robe on a windy Saturday.

The match of the round was played with high intensity for all four quarters and did not disappoint, with each quarter going goal-for-goal to see the first two breaks even at 17-17 and 30-30.

Kalangadoo’s goalie combo of Abbey Duncan and Ebony McDiarmid used their experience and moved swiftly in the circle, shooting accurately.

Sarah Laurie and Demi Carter combined well for Robe, while Lara Munro and Georgia Duncan had to work overtime to build pressure in the circle.

However, the accuracy of Laurie and Carter was hard to fault.

Robe’s Lucy Perkins and Annie Reigner fed nicely in the circle and continued to provide their team with speed and plenty of drive onto the circles edge.

However, that was not without tight defence from the young Georgia Gentile and the experienced Jayde Peacock who worked diligently to slow and delay Perkins’ and Reigner’s impact.

Robe’s attack line demonstrated patience to find goalies, as the switch of Kalangadoos defensive circle in the second half disrupted the flow of the Roosters’ game slightly, with Munro and Duncan’s applied pressure allowing Kalangadoo to take the biggest lead of the match with a four-goal advantage.

Robe made a tactical change, with Reigner moving into wing attack and Bates to centre.

Peacock and Auld mixed it up in the middle and continued to be an option through the centre, allowing Kalangadoo to have patience and retain possession.

Both defensive circles continued to work hard, but unable to secure enough turnovers to give their respective teams much-needed breathing room, which resulted in neither team able to get separation.

It was a hard fought win which could have gone either way, but Kalangadoo claimed the win by a solitary goal.