Archers prepare for championships

WELL PREPARED: Paul Freeman will aim to make every set of arrows look as tidy as this set during next weekend’s National and State Indoor Archery Championships. Picture: SUBMITTED

INDOOR archery took centre stage for Blue Lake Archers over last weekend.

As the final full weekend before the National/State Indoor Championships, the local archers were keen to clock up time on the indoor range and gain as much practice as possible.

Friday night’s normal indoor event focused on the Archery Australia 18-metre round which will also be the opening section of the championship.

A double round of the 30-arrow event was run on the night, reflecting what will be the morning session of next Saturday’s Championship.

Jaemes Philp took out both rounds in the adjusted scores, with both results well over his benchmark.

Dale Tschirpig was runner-up in round one.

A major shuffling of positions in the second round saw Louise Abbott grab the runner-up behind Philp.  

Sunday afternoon saw the archers scratch the outdoor event and returning to the indoor venue as the club members were enthusiastic to continue practice prior to the championship.

The session was split to aid preparations, one group sticking to the Archery Australia 18m, while the second group zeroed in on a World Archery 18m. 

For the championships, the World archery round will be utilised as the afternoon session, the total number of scored arrows for the round is 60 and a slightly different process is used when running this compared to the AA round.

Abbott was the victor in the WA 18 round, with Ian Harris filling the runner-up position.

The AA 18 was run alongside the WA event and was run as two rounds of 30 arrows each.

Tschirpig gained the win in the initial round and Brayden White picked up the win in the follow up round.

Indoor archery Championship kicks off at the Blue Lake Gymnastics Club, Malseed Park on Saturday, with practice at 9.30am for competition start at 10am.


Friday night results

Australian Indoor 18 metre, Round 1, handicap scored, benchmark 300 points: Jeames Philp 382 (178 , Score rating 37); Dale Tschirpig 311 (234, Score rating 55); Ben Kilsby 299 (296 off the bow, score rating 105); Ian Harris 286 (271 , Score rating 76); Paul Freeman 293 (281, Score rating 84)

Louise Abbott 286 (271, Score rating 76); Brayden White 258 (Score rating 67).

Australian Indoor 18 metre, Round 2, handicap scored, benchmark 300 points: Jeames Philp 365 (off the bow 161, Score rating 32); Louise Abbott 300 (272, Score rating 76); Paul Freeman 295 (283, Score rating 86); Ben Kilsby 294 (291, score rating 96); Ian Harris 284 (269, Score rating 74); Dale Tschirpig 282 (210, Score rating 46); Brayden White 258 (Score rating 67).

Sunday results

Australian Indoor 18 metre, Round 1, handicap scored, benchmark 300 points: Dale Tschirpig 306 (off the bow 234, Score rating 55); Paul Freeman 298 (286, Score rating 89); Ben Kilsby 296 (293, score rating 99); Brayden White 268 (Score rating 73).

Australian Indoor 18 metre, Round 2, handicap scored, benchmark 300 points: Brayden White 308 (off the bow 264, Score rating 71); Dale Tschirpig 301(232, Score rating 54); Ben Kilsby 300 (297, score rating 107); Paul Freeman  296 (284, Score rating 87).

WA 18, handicap scored, benchmark 600 points: Louise Abbott 596 (off the bow 526, Score rating 74); Ian Harris 580 (532, Score rating 77); Callum Oschar 579 (570 , Score rating 28); Allan Oschar 570 (422, Score rating 47).