Tigers fire up in final stanza

TOP GAME: Tantanoola's Kate Varcoe was named the Tigers' best in their win over Robe on Saturday. Picture: FILE


ROUND 10 of Mid South East netball went the way of Tantanoola over Robe by a comfortable 13-goal margin, but it was only the final term where the Tigers broke clear.

The Robe line up saw quite a few changes from the earlier round clash, with Tori Gluyas and Goergia Perkins taking the court for the  first time this year, while Alex Neale stepped up into the A Grade.

The Tigers were settled and played with patience, understanding and connection throughout the game.

The first quarter saw Robe settle quickly, with Gluyas shooting accurately as Robe opened an early lead.

Tantanoola gained momentum through some strong rebounds from Bella Poulish and moved the ball with composure through the mid-court to find Emma Gould under the post.

The scores even 11-all at quarter time to set the scene for an entertaining contest.

It was the Tigers who had the momentum going into the second quarter, having switched Kate Bromley and Poulish at the break, who applied strong defensive pressure to gain some advantage.

Gould and Walker shared the work in the circle to challenge the Robe defence.  

All mid-court players worked hard and Perkins found space at the top of the circle to give goalers Ashlee Hunt and Gluyas plenty of opportunity.

Kate Varcoe was directing play for Tantanoola, but Perkins and Jennings worked hard to deny access and gained turnovers for Robe as the quarter went on.

That allowed Robe regain possession and again the scores were level at 23-all at half time.

As the momentum swings continued, Robe has some advantage until Gluyas suffered a knee injury and was out of the game.  

Emillie Gould came into the shooting role and the Robe side took some time to resettle.

Defensive pressure at both ends made scoring difficult and the mid-court pressure form Neale and Annie Regnier for Robe and Walker and Varoce saw the ball swing from one end to the other.

Tantanoola had a three-goal lead at three-quarter-time, then came out firing in the last to open the game up. 

Tantanoola moved the ball with speed and found some great angles to circle edge to access the goalies who were accurate in the last quarter.

The pressure saw Robe make some errors and the Tigers were quick to pick up loose balls and made sure they got the ball through and scored from very opportunity.

Comfortable with their lead, the Tigers swung the tall Ousey into shooter halfway through the last term and eventually claimed a solid 13-goal win.

Best players for the Tigers were Varcoe and Shelby Ryan, with Lucy Perkins and Hunt best for Robe.