Crater Clash draws in professional talent

READY TO RUMBLE: In a generation first, the Crater Clash will bring plenty of excitement to the Blue Lake City. Picture: SUBMITTED

Melanie Riley

FIGHTERS from around the world will come together in Mount Gambier/Berrin for the first professional boxing event the town has seen in over 20 years.

Dwyer’s Boxing Club will host the Crater Clash, which will see not only several up-and-coming world level contenders, but includes a strong amateur card with local fighters from the club.

Dwyer’s Boxing Club owner and event organiser Sam Dwyer said the event had been a long time coming, and a huge goal of his.

“We’re very excited to host it – it’s a lot of work but we’re really happy to bring it down,” he said.

“It’s been a few years in the making and it’s been quite a process to get there.

“We put on amateur shows every year, but the pros are quite a bit different.”

The professional main card includes Commonwealth Games Bronze Medalist Eddie Coumi, who will be joined by Commonwealth Games representative and current Australian Champion Brian Agina, along with three-time Australian Champion Fred Zziwa.

Dwyer said the opportunity to host those fighters at this stage in their careers would likely not happen again.

“We’ve timed this card when we have because we’ve got Agina and Zziwa right on the cusp of entering up into that world level stage, where we’ll probably never see them in Mount Gambier again,” he said.

“Agina’s already ranking the top hundred in the world after five pro fights and you’ve got Zziwa who is incredibly highly ranked.

“Both of these guys are getting called up to help guys train for their world title bid so they’re at that level already.”

For the amateur undercard, local fighters Johee Joyce, Ivan Heenan and Tobi Signorelli are ones to watch.

Dwyer himself was originally due to contest for a State Title, but after that bout fell through he will square up against Laitia Yalikitoga instead, which Dwyer said should be an entertaining watch.

He said in the lead up to his fight, organising the event has been a good distraction from his nerves.

“I’m feeling really good – I probably haven’t thought about the fight as much as I normally would, being a few days out dealing with logistics and promotions, licensing and staff and everything,” he said.

“I’m about as relaxed as I could be, because I’m stressed about the show instead.”

Dwyer said the event is one not to miss and he hoped it would gain enough local interest to be held again.

“We’ve taken a massive financial risk to get this here – it is a massive logistical and massive big cost to bring this to Mount Gambier and we’re hoping it’s a value to the town and the town supports it,” he said.

“If people vote with their feet and their wallets and it’s something that we know the town values, we’ll make sure we bring it back bigger and better every year.”

The Crater Clash is an ages licenced event and will be held at the Mount Gambier Showgrounds on Saturday, June 29 from 5.30-10.30pm.

Tickets are available at Dwyer’s Boxing Club website and on the door if not sold out prior.