Perfect conditions for club shoot

B GRADE: B Grade Double Rise winner, Steve Chambers (right) with Peter Anderson representing sponsor Naracoorte Betta Home Living. Pictures: SUBMITTED

THE Bordertown Gun Club’s latest event attracted 17 shooters in prefect conditions.

Double rise is not everyone’s favourite event, but some shooters are still determined to try.

Some double rise practice to start with helped get the shooters’ eyes in before the first event, a 25 Pair Double Rise, sponsored by Naracoorte Betta Home Living.

Ash Hawker showed how it is done with a fine 48/50.

John Hawker and Gavin Height finished with 45/50, Wayne Hawker 44/50, Bob Atkinson 42/50 and Steve Chambers 41/50.

AA Grade: Ash Hawker 48/50, Don Pratt 39/50.

A Grade: John Hawker and Gavin Height 45/50, Wayne Hawker 44/50.

B Grade: Steve Chambers 41/50, Jake Henningsen 36/50.

C Grade: Bob Atkinson 42/50, George Karageorgis 39/50.

The second event was a 50-target Double Barrel Championship, sponsored by Brandt Machinery, Bordertown.

Possibles came from to Ash Hawker, Gavin Height and Wayne Hawker with 50/50.

Kane Hawker, Don Pratt and Steve Chambers all shot 49/50 while Tim Downing, Brock Hawker and John Hawker all finished with 48/50.

AA Grade: Ash Hawker, Wayne Hawker 53/53.

A Grade: John Hawker 48/50.

B Grade: Tim Downing 48/50, Zander Hawker 50/53.

C Grade: Jake Heningsen 47/50, Malcolm McGrice 43/50.

High Gun honours for the day went to Ash Hawker with 98/100.

The club’s next shoot will be held on Sunday, June 23.

The day’s events include a 40-target Medley Championship (10DB, 10SB, 10 PS & 10 Cont) and 50-target Pointscore.

Practice is from 10.15am for an 11am competition start.