High scores at Attamurra

TOP GRADE WIN: Russell Lewis topped the Saturday A Grade field at the Mount Gambier Golf Club. Picture: SUBMITTED

THE captain Russell Lewis continued his hot form with another win in Saturday’s A Grade competition at the Mount Gambier Golf Club.

Playing off a handicap of eight, he finished the round with 41 points – his third score in the forties this month.

His 22/19 split started well with a birdie on the first.

The form continued with another birdie on the fifth which allowed Lewis to break par on the front nine for the first time, with a 35 off-the-stick.

Runner-up with 40 points was Jim Leane (nine handicap).

Recovering from Friday’s drenching when mowing the fairways, Leane’s 19/21 was highlighted with birdies on the par 5 seventh and 15th holes.

Third on a countback was Bailey Letizia, then on 39 points Andrew Stark, followed by Kevin Cook, Jeff Hodge and Hayden Schroder on 37.

Despite Lewis’ impressive score, Satrurday’s best score came from B Grader Nathan Taylor (14) with 44 points.

He comfortably took out B Grade with 23 points on the front nine, which included four three-pointers and a four-pointer, from a 38 off-the-stick.

The momentum continued with 21 points on the back with another five three-pointers for the long hitter.

Second place for the grade went to Leigh McManus (15) with 41 points.

McManus did his best work on the back nine with 22 points, underpinned by six straight pars from hole 10 through 15.

Another player on 41 points was Chris Gabriel, followed by David McGregor and Anthony Revill on 40 points, along with Kent Comley on 39 points and Wayne Davison, Neil Quirk, Neal Doody and Peter Lock on 38.

Peter Emetlis (19) scored 41 points to win C Grade from Simun Lalich (29) on 40.

Emetlis drove it well off the tee with his three wood to have the ball on the fairway and in play.

A strong finish to the front nine with 10 points on holes seven, eight (four-point birdie) and nine for 22 points was a just reward.

Another strong finish to the back nine with 11 points across the last four holes was enough to secure the win.

Lalich had a similar round with 22 on the front, comprising of six three pointers and a strong finish on the back nine with 11 points on the last four holes.

They were followed by Ian Ewart in third place, along with John Sandery and Chris Lynch all with 39 points.

The ball rundown went to 36 points with playing partners Bryan Pink and Nick Black taking out the nearest-the-pins and scoring a birdie ball each.

Last Thursday’s golf was played in ideal conditions without a breath of wind for the morning players and a slight afternoon breeze.

Scores were competitive with Keith Couzner (23) and Greg Hudson (16) leading the 101 players with 43 points.

Both played the front nine well under par with Couzner 23/20 and Hudson 25/18 featuring four-point birdies on the seventh and sixth holes respectively.

Couzner, after a slow start, had 16 points for holes five to nine, with a three-point par on 18 securing the win on a countback.

Hudson’s front nine was all two, three and four-pointers and three-point pars on the 16th and 17th were offset by a costly one-point bogey on the last.

With such a strong start they were never going to be challenged and Peter Dempsey, with a good score of 41 points, was next best.

Multiple payers on 40 points included Barry Page, Douglas Reid, Shane Brook, Graham Robinson, Ross Anderson and Jim Douglas.

President Trevor Roberts also scored well with 39.

The ideal conditions raised the ball run down to 37 points and nearest-the-pins were taken out by Grant Stephenson on the eight hole and Rob McIntyre on the 16th.