Challenge awaits Demons

NO WEAKNESS: Zoe Malseed and her West Gambier teammates have not yet shown a weak link in their premiership defence season. Picture: JAMES MURPHY


SOUTH Gambier enters Round 9 of Western Border netball off a solid win against Casterton Sandford, in a match where the Demons ran a few different combinations.

Now they host the reigning premiers in West Gambier, which looms as an entirely different encounter.

The Roos trademark has been starting quickly and putting the result beyond doubt in the first 15 minutes so South will need to be switched on from the start and try to limit the scoreboard damage.

Every team has the same mission when they take on West – keep the ball out of Sarah Ritter’s hands.

This means putting pressure on the ball movement in transition.

If Tara Bryant is allowed to drive strongly and Lisa McGregor gets too much ball in hand, the task will be impossible for the Demons’ circle defenders.

The other challenge against West is being patient with ball in hand and finding a safe passage through the relentless pressure of its defence.

Zoe Malseed is a tight-checking mid-court defender, while Amy Cram and Jade Ritter have developed a great synergy and create plenty of turnover ball for their teammates.

Their work over the shot is also impressive and they are rarely outrebounded.

South will need Alyssa Duncan to continue to lead the attacking end of the court, with teenager shooter Gracie Dalton looking to replicate her dominant opening quarter from last round across all four quarters.

Megan Reid has looked dangerous at wing attack and her speed onto the circle will be important.

Tully McShane will need to be at her tight-checking best but also act as a key link player when South is transitioning from defence to the attacking third.

Ellie Bouchier could get the job on McGregor or Ritter and she will need to switch on from the first whistle to deny her opponent any easy ball.

Ruby Richter and Sophie Wight are the wildcards for the Demons.

Both can play a mid-court role or slot into the defensive circle and both are coming off strong performances.

Regardless, West should win comfortably.