Busy time at seaside

Josh Waddell, Stephen Kennett Errol Jennings and David Robinson. Picture: SUBMITTED

Robe Bowls Club enjoyed a return to social competitions, with full rinks for the twilight bowls.

Visitors from Darwin, along with regulars from Mortlake and Horsham joined in for the social bowls last Thursday.

There were 33 players who played two-bowl triples and three-bowl pairs and five teams managed to win two games.

The winners on 56 points were Helen Lynch and Errol Jennings, ahead of Darren Grant, Dean Nankivell and Nola Peel on 54.

Lorraine Dening won both raffle draws, with chicken and wine for prizes.

The Christmas raffle drawn on December 22 was won by Mark Murphy, with second prize going to Anne Sneath and third to Robin Ling.

Open bowls was canceled on Saturday due to the weather.

Stephen Kennett, David Robinson, Josh Waddell and Errol Jennings attended the two-day carnival in Kingston last week with some success, winning the second day’s competition.

On Australia Day there will be a fundraiser for the Robe 2 Recovery, with bowls, raffles, a barbecue and pie floaters.

Names are to be in by 12.30pm to play bowls.