McCullagh keen for Speedweek contest

READY TO GO: Cory McCullagh is keen to hit the road and finally race again in the Sprintcars Speedweek series. Picture: SUBMITTED

Wade Aunger

THE 2018 Grand Annual Sprintcar Classic winner Corey McCullagh is keen to hit the road and grab some chequers in all four rounds of the 2022/2023 Clay-Per-View Sprintcars Speedweek.

McCullagh will bring his #V90 South West Conveyancing/Smith and Sons entry into the Speedweek Series battle armed with some raw excitement for travel and more importantly getting some laps in.

With over $150,000 in prize and points money the incentives are clear for some of the top Australians and even travelling Americans to take on Speedweek.

“We’re excited to finally go racing and hopefully snag some good results,” McCullagh said.

There is no doubt the Warrnambool hard charger’s sentiments are shared by many teams who have been itching to flip the switch and go racing in what has been a frustrating non-start to the season so far due to the unseasonal bad weather.

The sight of the immaculate V90 in the line-up for all four nights of Speedweek is sure to gladden the hearts of race-fans and promoters alike.

McCullagh is definitely one of the dark horses for the overall series victory regardless of which names follow his on the entry list.

Speedweek dates: December 26, 2022 – Murray Bridge Speedway; December 28, 2022 – Borderline Speedway Mount Gambier; December 30, 2022 – Avalon Raceway Lara; January 1, 2023 – Premier Speedway Warrnambool.

All four nights of Speedweek will be live streamed through Pay-Per-View.