Day to remember

WINNERS: Faye Hill and Glen Jones.

THE Millicent Bowls Club enjoyed a big turn-out for a 2-4-2 game played on the Thursday public holiday to remember Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, with 48 players taking to the greens.

Glen Jones and Faye Hill claimed the top honours with a score of 35+22 shots up, ahead of Rob Chamber and Steve Carnellor with 33+6.

Other winning teams for the day: Jim Campbell/Derek Bowering 32+11; Steve Skeer/Kym Stewart 32+8; John Madden/Peter Scanlon 32+8; Robert Radley/Peter Varcoe 32+6; Ian Ross/Andre Reinders 31+9; Jan Buhlmann/Carlene Goden 31+5; Ross Warren/Brain Goode 31+3; Garth Baker/Rod Gibbs 31+2; Peter Hyland/David Crase 30+10, plus a draw between Neil Whelan/John Drew and Sam Schofield/Carl Schapel 20+0.