Baptism of fire for young Penola racer

STEP UP FOR YOUNG DRIVER: Penola speedway driver Brad Gartner stepped up to the Late Model category for the current season with some good results at Murray Bridge on Saturday night. Picture: SNAPPERIFIC PHOTOGRAPHY

By Trevor Jackson

IT was a baptism of fire for Penola speedway racer Brad Gartner on Saturday night at Murray Bridge.

Gartner stepped up from his previous Junior Sedans category into a Late Model, with little time to learn to tame the V8 beast.

A practice session two weeks earlier saw him acquaint himself with the new car, which is a world away from his little front-wheel-drive Daihatsu Charade.

The Charade produced around 90 horsepower delivered through the front wheels, while the Late Model boasts 650hp from its 430 cubic inch Chevrolet engine, all through the rear wheels.

Despite the vast difference, Gartner showed plenty of maturity, which saw improvement across the night.

Unfortunately his feature race was cut short with fuel pump issues, but apart from that the 17-year-old driver was pleased with his first taste of the category.

“I was very happy with how I picked it up so quick,” he said.

“I thought it would be a bit harder but I came to it pretty quick.

“In the first heat the car setup was probably a bit off.

“We changed a few things, then in the second heat I kept up where the first one I didn’t keep up at all.

“The next race was the final and I didn’t get to do a lap.”

Gartner’s Charade was basically a road car, while the Late Model is a purpose-built speedway machine.

Apart from the obvious power difference, it was a steep learning curve for the young driver.

“When I first got in I was a bit nervous,” Gartner said.

“It is a left hand drive and there are a lot of different things with the gear box.

“With the Charade we were up the front a lot of the time and on a good track you would hold it flat out of the corners and on most straights.

“With these, I don’t think I have used full throttle yet.

“It is just so different – It just breaks traction straight away.

“It is nothing like I have driven before.”

A few wise words from his father Simon helped Gartner come to terms with the car.

“I have been fairly controlled – I haven’t spun out and haven’t crashed at all,” he said.

“I have always been switched on and mature in race cars.

“Dad always said ‘use your head, you have nothing to prove, you are better off going slow until you pick it up, no use making a fool out of yourself’.”

Gartner said he alway liked the look of the Late Model, which was one reason he chased a drive in the category.

He said other Junior Sedans drivers had stepped up to the category and he thought they were a “pretty cool” looking car.

After putting his name out there he was approached by Matt and Lisa Crimmins out of Two Wells in Adelaide about the drive.

He said he was “stoked” to have the opportunity and looked forward to a good season of racing.

“We will look to do about 10 races but I’m sure if more pop up we will do them,” Gartner said.

“It is a great opportunity the Crimmins family gave me.

“There are a few local sponsors who have helped me and I am very thankful for the opportunity.”