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Emerging ag leaders celebrated

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) farewelled its 2024 cohort of young emerging leaders at the National Agriculture Leadership Program graduation earlier this week. Twelve...

BredWell FedWell coming to Edenhope

Meat and Livestock Australia’s (MLA) BredWell FedWell workshop, which focuses on profit drivers to show how the combination of good genetics and nutrition can...

Voices sought for Rural Daughters documentary

The voices of 1000 rural women are being sought for a ground breaking new documentary on Australia’s rural, regional and remote women. Rural Daughters, the...

Goat production at a high

Goat production is at a high, according to a new report. The Meat and Livestock Australia’s (MLA) 2024 Global Goat Snapshot has shown that...

Highest on record for lamb slaughter

The latest livestock products data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that last quarter, Australia had the highest lamb slaughter on...

Season’s seeding starting earlier

A Grain Producers SA (GPSA) ‘Seeding and Season Outlook Survey’ has found more than 60 per cent of South Australian growers started seeding in...

Farmers threaten to walk if access to workers is further impacted

Farmers are warning they will change what they grow or even walk away from farming if their access to overseas workers is reduced, new...

Government needs to declare war on fire ants

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) is calling on the federal, state and territory governments to urgently ramp up the war on an invasive species...

CSIRO report sows seeds for Australia’s farming future

Australia must act now to accelerate agricultural innovation to achieve productive, resilient and sustainable farming systems by 2050, according to a new report released...

New farm safety campaign

SA Power Networks has recently launched a new advertising campaign aimed at reducing the risk to farmers from power lines on rural properties. On average,...

Latest variety information on-hand for growers

Growers and advisers across Australia can now use the latest results on the performance of different grain varieties - incorporating results from the 2023...

Interim report backs farmers’ call for mandatory code

The National Farmers’ Federation welcomes the interim report reviewing the adequacy of the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct, saying the recommendations would help...

Action packed Friday night

BORDERTOWN'S Tolmer Speedway will roar into life tonight (Friday), with a big night set down for sedan racers. The meeting includes Super Sedans, Junior Sedans...

Crop numbers down