Keep plastic out of landfill

PLASTIC Free July has passed again and more plastic is being produced for human use than ever.

Crushable plastic can be washed and dried and put into special bins at Coles/Woolworths supermarkets.

Rigid plastic goes in the yellow bins.

Styrofoam goes to Mount Gambier industrial waste depot.

Very rarely does one find a compostable take away coffee cup, and yes, sometimes a lid.

Each town has a plastic bottle lids collection place where they are collected and sent off to make prosthetic limbs.

More people have adopted roads, or sections of roads for KESAB and hopefully all our coastline is now being monitored as well.

The worlds seas, lakes, rivers and creeks, as well as oceans, are badly polluted with all manner of plastics and chemicals, so if we can keep our corner clean we won’t find ourselves with multiple afflictions, and no fish, birds or bees.

As we wait for plastic recycling and processing facilities to be built (keep demanding it of our government bodies), keep all plastic out of our dirt.

Ring pulls from cans are also being collected to make wheelchairs.

Heather Heggie,
