New release for

NEW RELEASE: Michael Collins and Josh King of Sexy as Sh*t have celebrated their new release, This is Sexy. (File: 391187)

Melanie Riley

Sexy As Sh*t are gracing fans’ ears once again with a fun new release, ‘This is Sexy.’

The track is the first single from the debut EP from the duo, Michael Collins and Josh King.

It will feature a collection of six tracks covering some serious topics, while still keeping with the style Sexy As Sh*t fans know and love.

The writing process of This is Sexy was short and sweet and Collins said a majority of the song was written in one session back in April.

“It stayed in a sort of limbo for a few months while we worked on other songs for the EP, as well as July’s double single release of Disorder and Ace of Spades,” he said.

“When it came time to plan the EP’s release, which songs we released prior and when, we felt This is Sexy made the perfect statement to kick everything off.”

The track’s style is inspired by one of Collins’ all-time favourite artists, German-based band Scooter, known for their happy hardcore, rave and techno music.

“I’m a sucker for a lot of the 2000’s European dance movement – it’s the perfect mix of absurd, cheesy, and wholesome fun,” he said.

“Three things that align very closely with the ethos we have at Sexy as Sh*t.”

He said the process was not without its challenges – finding a balance between creating a meaningful track but still keeping with the duo’s usual fun and adventurous style.

“If they were too outlandish the song would feel disingenuous but if the lyrics were too straight forward it would just feel cringey,” Collins said.

“I think – and hope – the final product found the perfect balance between the two.”

The track was written, recorded and produced by Collins and co-produced by King and good friend Thomas Wilson, who was also behind putting the track together.

Collins said it was their first release that involved collaboration with others outside the two group members.

“Previously we have written, recorded, produced, mixed, and mastered all the music ourselves, but this time around Thomas Wilson jumped onboard to mix and master the EP, and sit in on the recording sessions as a co-producer,” he said.

“We also called on the help of a bunch of beautiful friends to sing the group vocals you can hear all throughout this track.

“Having the people you love sing on a song that is written about them is a truly special feeling.”

Collins said the duo hoped the track would be loved just as much as they loved making it.

“To me it’s a love song, not in a romantic way, but in a “I love all my friends” kind of way,” Collins said.

“I would love to see people spread that same love after listening.

“Letting your friends know you love them and giving them an extra big hug the next time you see them – that would make my day.”

Collins had one final message to share: “love everybody, kindness is for free.”