Karen’s continued canine care

PUPPY LOVE: Karen Brooksby has always been an animal lover. (File)

Jeff Huddlestone

Limestone Coast dog trainer Karen Brooksby is a self-confessed animal lover.

She is the eldest of six children and remembers always having pets as a child.

“From guinea pigs, chooks, chickens to roosters, dogs and cats,” she said.

“Our parents taught us that pet ownership is a lifetime responsibility.”

Born in Millicent and educated in Mount Gambier/ Berrin, Ms Brooksby‘s first job was in the office of a local laundry.

She has had many different on the job experiences including, waitressing, fitness instructing, gym ownership and body building.

“I won the Miss South Australia body building championship and went on to take out the national title in Queensland,” she said.

Ms Brooksby said her family was sport oriented and community minded.

She did athletics in high school, learned music and got involved with community service projects including Make a Wish.

For a while she lived in Adelaide and Whyalla, but soon returned to Mount Gambier/ Berrin to be closer to family, especially her Nan and Pa.

Her greater involvement with the animal world came as a volunteer and later trainer with the Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club.

Ms Brooksby now operates her own business K9s with Kaz, focusing on behaviour, agility and tricks training.

She runs a range of programs across the Limestone Coast and over the Victorian border.

Ms Brooksby recently put two of her Australian shepherds, Bella and Gypsy, through a local tricks session.

“Bella is almost 12 and is a meld, with one blue and one brown eye,” she said.

“Because of ageing and arthritis, her training focus has moved from agility to tricks.

“She recently competed in her first tricks trial in the Riverland, she was put through her paces and won her Starter Tricks title.

“Gypsy is 10 months old, her father is a working dog in America and her mother is in the Adelaide Hills.

“I’ll be taking both of them to the Riverland trials next year.”

Recently, Ms Brooksby was a trainer with the South East Animal Welfare League, (SEAWL) until local Stand Like Stone funding ended.

“They’re an amazing group of volunteers, who give so much of their time, the community has opened its hearts and pockets to help them,” she said.

In an effort to give back, Ms Brooksby is currently seeking approval to run a community fundraiser, For the love of Dogs, at the Railway Lands in December.

The last one raised more than $2000 for SEAWL

Ms Brooksby has taken part in the Casterton Kelpie muster for the last seven years and continues her dog training activities.

“I’ll drive anywhere to help if it’s worthwhile,“ she said.

In her latest life venture , she has studied a Certificate Three in disability support.

“I think it’s a worthwhile change to reach out and help those in the disability sector,” she said.

“I’ve had many blessings and like to give back to the community,”

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