General support for cat management changes

AMENDMENT: The City of Mount Gambier would support a change to cat management polices as proposed in the Dog and Cat Management (Cat Management) Amendment Bill. (File)

Sophie Conlon

The City of Mount Gambier would support a change to cat management polices as proposed in the Dog and Cat Management (Cat Management) Amendment Bill.

At council’s August meeting elected members voted on a submission which outlined general support, but highlighted a few concerns with the proposed amendment.

The proposed amendment hopes to clarify procedures, offer regulatory flexibility, aid consistency, enhance authority and expand the definition of authorised officers.

Councillors Max Bruins and Sonya Mezinec said it was good to see more provisions being brought in to deal with cats.

In the submission council outlined the support of clarification of procedures, support for emergency services, improved animal welfare and better regulation of cat trapping.

However, concerns included a lack of compulsory cat registration, inconsistency across councils, increased costs and resourcing requirements, potential misuse of powers and community sentiment and animal welfare concerns.

Council’s submission would call for a state wide approach and mayor Lynette said this would ease confusion between neighbouring councils and did “make sense”.

“This report presents a state wide approach to cat management and such an approach does provide consistency across local council boundaries,” she said.

Within the submission council also urged the state government to address concerns around a lack of compulsory registration.

“Dog registrations is mandatory, providing a systematic approach to dog populations and funding dog management activities,” the report said.

“A similar system for cats would ensure consistency and provide a crucial funding source for managing the increased responsibilities placed on councils.”