Young sporting superstars awarded

WINNER: Kai Arbery (right), with Niel Van Niekerk, together won gold for South Australia in the National Under 19 Team Sprints. (File)

Sophie Conlon

Two young sporting superstars are another step ahead thanks to a grant from the Mount Gambier Commercial Club and the City of Mount Gambier.

Central Baseball Club member Bree Ridding and Mount Gambier Cycling Club member Kai Arbery were recognised as joint winners of the Junior Sports Assistance Fund – Commercial Club Exceptional Junior Program, and each received a $1500 cash prize.

Playing baseball for about seven years, Bree made history as the first female to debut in A Grade for the Mount Gambier and District Baseball League.

“I play for Central’s, and they’re very good, and the whole league helped me through,” she said.

At just 16-years-old Bree plays in the Under 18s and the Senior Men’s competitions and is competitive against her male peers.

At the same time she has played at a state level, which saw her awarded a “Spirit of the game” medallion.

“Over the two years I’ve played at state at a friendly comp the Barclay Cup for two years,” she said.

The next Barclay Cup begins on September 29 and Bree planned to put the grant money towards her travel.

“It means that I can go towards these to help with my progress and to upper my skill and play against people all around Australia,” she said.

“I was very excited, because then I could go towards this comp, and for the scouts to see [me play].

“I’ll play against all the different states, and they have a few teams for each, and it’s competitive but friendly.”

Last year Bree’s team won silver at the competition and this month they would be going for gold.

To prepare for the comp Bree is training twice weekly locally, training in Adelaide and playing netball.

In her nomination Bree was described as having talent far beyond her age, and being a special member of the club and league who was willing to assist beyond her rostered duties.

Bree said her favourite thing about playing baseball at a state level was the competitiveness and friendship.

“I’ve played over two years, and it’s kind of the same people so you build like a really long relationship that stays over time,” she said.

Bree said the next step in her baseball career would be playing for a women’s team in Adelaide.

Considered one of the top cyclists in the state, 17-year-old Kai said winning the grant was unexpected.

“It was quite unexpected, because my club nominated me without me knowing so it was quite a shock,” he said.

“It was really cool when we found out, it was fantastic.”

Kai said he had always loved riding mountain bikes and after a Talent ID testing crew visit to his school discovered he had pretty good statistics he was invited to the Limestone Coast Regional Sporting Academy.

He said the grant would help with travel for training and competitions.

“As you can imagine all the trips and back and forth to Adelaide we spend a fortune on fuel and accommodation, so it’ll go so far in that way,” he said.

“It will help so much.”

Kai said he loved the thrill of hitting high speeds.

“We get up to 70 plus km an hour on a push bike, it’s pretty quick when you’re on it, it’s really exciting,” he said.

Hoping to have a career in the sport, Kai has found his stride and currently the fastest opening lap time in Australia in the under 19 category.

He has also won gold for South Australia in the National Under 19 Team Sprints twice, earned a silver medal at the Oceania Track Championships in New Zealand for Team Sprint and has been awarded South Australian Sport Institute scholarships in 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.

In his nomination Kai was described as ready to assist younger athletes with encouragement and coaching.

Kai is currently preparing for the next national event in March 2025 and thanked is his coaches, the Mount Gambier Cycling Club, Commercial Club and his parents for their support.

The Exceptional Junior Award program is made possible through an annual donation of $3000 from the Mount Gambier Commercial Club, which has contributed a total of $49,000 to the fund over the past 23 years.

City of Mount Gambier Junior Sports Assistance Fund presiding member councillor Josh Lynagh expressed sincere gratitude to the Commercial Club for its ongoing support, highlighting the positive impact on local athletes’ sporting potential.

“The Mount Gambier Commercial Club and the Junior Sports Assistance Fund are dedicated to assisting young athletes in excelling in their sports,” he said.

“We wish Kai and Bree continued success in their future endeavours.”