Sukhi’s volunteer efforts recognised

RECOGNITION: Sukhi Dhaliwal was presented his award for his outstanding volunteer efforts by Lions President Brenton ‘Yogi’ McMillan. (Supplied)

Melanie Riley

SUKHI Dhaliwal has been named Millicent Lions Club Volunteer of the Year for 2024 for going above and beyond for his local community.

The award has been an initiative of the Millicent Lions Club for over 20 years, and its aim is to give special recognition to a local citizen who has been an outstanding contributor.

Club president Brenton McMillan said nominees can come from a wide range of backgrounds, across various organisations or community groups.

“It might be arts, it might be sporting, it might be conservation groups – they’re all included in the search for nominations,” he said.

“We just feel it’s an opportunity to bring notice to a quiet achiever, and someone who might not otherwise get recognition.

“The ultimate test is that the person has demonstrated an outstanding commitment as a volunteer and their involvement and participation would be clearly missed if they weren’t members of our community.”

At a recent Lions Club meeting, Mr McMillan presented the award to Mr Dhaliwal for his incredible volunteer work within the community.

Mr Dhaliwal has been a member of the Millicent community now for 10 years, after arriving in the area in 2014.

As owner of the Indian restaurant New Heaven, Mr Dhaliwal was the man behind the set up of the fridge at the Millicent IGA, which has allowed people to help themselves to a free meal.

This initiative led to the bigger project, ‘Millicent Shares a Plate’ which is based on the same concept – ensuring that those in the community that are doing it tough do not go hungry.

From there, Sukhi has collaborated with organisations like Unity Housing, and the Millicent High School to share his cooking expertise for occasions such as special Neighbour Day.

Mr McMillan said the initiative was commendable, and served as the main reason behind the club’s decision to award Mr Dhaliwal.

“He is one of those people who has compassion and will put his hand up to help those in our society who are disadvantaged,” he said.

“Through his willingness to make a difference, he’s a very worthy recipient of our award.”

Mr Dhaliwal said he was surprised to receive the award and was not expecting to receive such praise for work he considered to be something that comes naturally to him.

“It was good that I got the recognition, but the things I’m doing, they give me pleasure in my heart,” he said.

“That’s why I’m doing those things, and this community has made me able to do what I can do today.

“With the help of my family and friends and the teams at both businesses, they are helping me create 50 meals every week.”

Mr Dhaliwal said he hoped the recognition and sharing his story would inspire others to get involved in volunteering in the local community and give back.

“We cannot stop people making wrong choices, but if you are able to change it, go ahead and change it,” he said.

“Whenever I can – even before coming to Australia – back home in India, I was always ready to help someone if I am able to help someone.”