New reverend to be ordained

NEW REVEREND: Rudy Schwartz will be ordained at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church this Friday and all are invited. (Supplied)

Community members are invited to join in celebrations as Reverend Rudi Schwartz is ordained at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Naracoorte.

Mr Schwartz lived in Naracoorte for many years, and would be well known to many in the community.

He moved from Naracoorte several years ago but since retiring to Bathurst, Mr Schwartz has travelled from his home in Bathurst several times a year to assist with the vacancy at the church.

Now, he will be returning with his wife Heila, as he takes on the role as Reverend at St Andrew’s.

The church has been a part of Naracoorte since early 1856, when an important meeting was held at the Merino Inn, now the Naracoorte Hotel.

Attended by a majority of land owners and townspeople, the purpose of this meeting was to establish a ministry in town and decide which one – Anglican or Presbyterian.

The outcome of this meeting was that the Presbyterians secured a minister, fluent in both English and Gaelic – as there was a predominance of people from Scotland in the area – and in November 1856, the Reverend Dugald McCalman was duly inducted.

His charge stretched from Robe to Edenhope, and he remained in the position for 16 years.

The first Presbyterian church was built in 1858 but this is now the Sunday School as after a few years with the influx of population, it was decided that the original church had become inadequate so a larger one was projected.

The present church, St Andrew’s Presbyterian in Church Street, Naracoorte, was built on land donated by William McIntosh.

He also donated the bell, which is still used each Sunday.

St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Naracoorte would like to invite the community to the Ordination of Reverend Rudi Schwartz.

It will be held Friday, September 13 at 2pm and all are welcome to join in the afternoon tea which will follow.