Women’s health highlighted

WOMENS HEALTH: Women’s Health @ Hawkins general practitioner Doctor Monique Kanters and Two Lines Fertility fertility educator and IVF patient advocate Lucy Lines will work together to keep women up-to-date on the most accurate information possible. (Supplied)

A NEW Women’s Health event for the Limestone Coast will kick off soon following a collaboration between Women’s Health @ Hawkins and Two Lines Fertility.

The ‘What you Need- Your Women’s Health Toolbox’ is being held as part of National Women’s Health Week and is inspired by the week long advocacy.

Speakers, Stalls and classes will be on offer to ensure women have what they need to be healthy whether it be contraception, sports injury prevention, practicalities of budget management or affordable healthy eating.

Women’s Health @ Hawkins general practitioner Doctor Monique Kanters and Two Lines Fertility fertility educator and IVF patient advocate Lucy Lines will work together to keep women up-to-date on the most accurate information possible.

Dr Kanters said good health did not come from people working in silos but from people working together and using a patient-centred approach.

“This is a way of bringing those people together in one place,” Dr Kanters said.

Ms Lines said there were so many amazing practitioners and services within the Limestone Coast with the event being the best way to bring them all together.

“Women of the Limestone Coast don’t need to feel like being in a regional area means they are disadvantaged when it comes to their health,” Ms Lines said.

The event will be held at the Wulanda Recreation Centre on September 3, beginning at 12pm.