Working Party unveiled for Robe Obelisk

FULL STEAM AHEAD: With the creation of the Robe Obelisk Working Party, the group will now set out to identify key strategies and pathways in order to preserve the iconic history of the town's flagship landmark. (Supplied)

AFTER months of discussion, the District Council of Robe has managed to establish a working party for the town’s beloved Obelisk.

During this month’s council meeting, members of the council carried the motion to approve plans for the group.

The working party’s role will help the community to decide the next course of action for either the obelisk’s preservation, enhancement or memorialisation.

Currently, the party includes 10 members of the public, two council representatives and Robe Mayor Lisa Ruffell as an ex-officio member.

Ms Ruffell said the diverse backgrounds of each member was crucial to explore the possibilities for the obelisk’s future.

“Each of these individuals brings a wealth of expertise and a deep commitment to our community,” Ms Ruffell said.

“Their diverse backgrounds and skills will be instrumental in ensuring that our beloved Obelisk is preserved and celebrated for generations to come.”

Community members who were nominated for the working party included Doug Fotheringham. Geoffrey Dening, Richie White, Christina McRae, Sheila Dickinson, Peter Westley, Warren Tucker, Kelly Burton, Mark Baker and Grant Schubert.

Ms Ruffell expressed her gratitude for all who nominated themselves for the working party and hoped it would help to engage the broader community of Robe.

“Our aim is to safeguard the Obelisk in some form, and if possible, preserve its role as a symbol of Robe’s rich history and cultural heritage, even as we explore relocation or other innovative solutions,” she said.

“With the collective experience and passion of this Working Party, I am confident that we will achieve positive outcomes that honour our town’s legacy.”

The Working Party will now undertake discussions when needed to generate ideas and solutions, which include recommendations and budget estimations.

All formal decisions regarding the obelisk will still remain with the District Council of Robe.

As of August 15, the two council representatives involved in the party have yet to be publicly announced.