Bedfords Art Awards

Scott Bennett, Alex McIntyre and Maddie Haarsma enjoy the evening.

Charlotte Varcoe

BEDFORD Mount Gambier held its South Australian Living Arts (SALA) exhibition awards last week.

The closing ceremony was held at the Mount Gambier Library with where awards were handed out to participants.

The ‘Creating Rainbows’ exhibition was held at the library for a number of weeks and allowed members of the public also able to vote for their favourite piece.

It showed ceramics painted in bright colours featuring images and textures of natire, life, imagination and the abstract.

Darcy received the Butterfly Award as well as the most votes while the People’s Choice Award for Art went to Ben and Tyson.

Chloe also received the People’s Choice Award for Photography.

Darcy also presented the Mount Gambier Library with a painting he made of the library in thanks for hosting the exhibition.

Pictures: Charlotte Varcoe 425227