Council celebrates science week

SCIENCE WEEK: Mount Gambier Library staff Rowan and Emmason experiment ahead of National Science Week. (Supplied)

THE Mount Gambier Library will participate in National Science Week this week.

From August 10 until August 18, library staff will provide a range of events to promote science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEM) with the support from Inspiring Australia.

The library will host a STEM Futures Forum on August 16 beginning at 10am where attendees will be able to hear about a variety of careers in science from locals and others around the world.

Featuring University of Texas research scientist at Austin’s high-resolution X-ray computed tomography facility Dr Jaimi Gray as well as Sustainable Primary Production at Landscape South Australia Dr Ehsan Sayad and stem cell biologist at ATMP Sweden Dr Heather Main.

City of Mount Gambier design engineer Andrew Thompson and Bachelor of Archaeology student at Flinder University Chloe Rattray.

Ms Rattray said she was excited to be a part of an amazing panel of speakers and she hoped to inspire young people to take a career path in STEAM.

The STEAM Futures Forum will promote careers in science with 20-minute power talks which will be ideal if youth are interested in exploring career options in a service of science in action.

Mount Gambier Library manager and community development Georgina Davison said the forum was a fantastic opportunity for the community to come together and explore the exciting possibilities STEAM education and careers offer.

“We hope to inspire lifelong learning and innovation,” Ms Davison said.

Super Science Saturday will kick off at the Library and Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre on August 17.

The community will be encouraged to explore modern technology and engage in hands-on STEAM-based activities designed to “ignite a passion for science”.

“You can take part in a range of STEAM-based activities, including Slime Lab, Intro to Robotics, 3D Printing, VR, and much more,” Ms Davison said.

A new ‘Library of Things’ STEAM collection will also launch on Super Science Saturday.

The collection allows items to be borrowed from the library including Sphero Indi, Code Master, Brain Box and more.

The Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre will also offer an immersive experience to unleash creativity through virtual reality tiltbrush, using a variety of brush styles and palettes to paint within a landscape that engulfs participants on all sides.

A Special Science Storytime will then take place on August 13 at 10:30am. ‘Ouch! Tales of Gravity’ by Kate Simpson and Andy Hardiman will be read, followed by a hands-on activity exploring gravity.

“City of Mount Gambier is thrilled to support National Science Week, offering a wide range of engaging activities that people of all ages can enjoy,” Ms Davison said.

All Science Week events will be free with bookings required for the STEAM Futures Forum.

Bookings can be made by calling the library or online.