Stride with pride for homelessness

WALKING FOR A CAUSE: The Pride in Your Stride event is now in its seventh year. (353419).

Melanie Riley

THE Pride in Your Stride march is back for its seventh year, organised by Uniting Communities’ Ruby’s Reunification Program.

Ruby’s aims to support people aged 12-17 who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness due to conflict within their families, providing safe places to stay, family counselling, and 24 hour therapeutic support.

The Pride in Your Stride event raises awareness to support those affected by homelessness and has taken place in the lead up to National Homelessness Week since 2018, which this year runs from August 5- 11.

The event will see members of the community walking together from Vansittart Park to the Mount Gambier Library, and the organisation is asking for donations of shoes to support the cause.

Senior Coordinator for Ruby’s Reunification Claire Chapple said acknowledging National Homelessness Week in this way was aligned with the values of the organisation.

“Homelessness looks different for everybody, but even basic things like making sure you have got a decent pair of shoes to get from point A to point B is everything,” she said.

“If we can raise a bit of awareness, show a bit of support and hand out some shoes to people in need, that’s a good day as far as we are concerned.”

Ms Chapple said the event has been successful in previous years and she was looking forward to being involved this year.

“I’ve worked for Uniting Communities for several years but in other programs, so I’ve been able to see this but not be part of it, so it’s really exciting to be on the front line organising it this year,” she said.

“The services, organisations and businesses in town that put their hands up to help is really incredible.”

All shoe donations for men, women and children in any size or style are graciously appreciated.

“Everyone needs a decent pair of shoes – but it goes beyond that,” Ms Chapple said.

“We’ve got kids that have formals coming up that can’t afford a decent pair of shoes and we’ve got families with working people in them who need to have a sturdy pair of shoes for work.

“At the end of the day, homelessness can affect anybody, and everybody has got different feet.”

There is no specific donation target in mind, and all donations are distributed within the Limestone Coast.

“We just try to get as many as we can, so we can support as many people as we can,” Ms Chapple said.

“We’ve had a lot of luck in previous years with people being quite generous, and we’ve been able to spread them around to different services and organisations across the town and make a bit more of an impact, which is incredible.”

Ms Chapple said the event is well supported by various local organisations and businesses, and acknowledged both the Rapid Relief team for their support with the event, not only offering a barbeque lunch but with an offer to provide a meal for anybody in need on the day.

“They’ve been super generous and they’re just one of the other services that’s been really great to us.”

“The library also offers their space to us every year to have that barbeque at the end and to let us put all of our shoes and bring all of our people down there and offering to have a basket on-site as well, so they’re very supportive.”

Ms Chapple encouraged any representatives from local services, organisations and businesses as well as schools and other members of the community to participate on the day.

“I would really like people to understand that presence and showing up for community events like this makes a big impact and shows people that they’re not alone,” Ms Chapple said.

“While donating shoes is amazing, actually turning up and coming along to the walk and showing that support just makes a massive difference to people when they can see they’re supported.”

Shoes can be donated prior to the event at various drop-off locations: Headspace Mount Gambier, Uniting Communities on Helen Street and the Mount Gambier Library, on the event day or a pick up option can be arranged.

The walk will commence from the rotunda in Vansittart Park and the group will walk to the Mount Gambier Library where the Mount Gambier Rapid Relief Team will provide a barbeque lunch.

The walk will take place on Wednesday, August 7 and participants are asked to meet at Vansittart Park at 10.45am for an 11.00am start.