Community support needed for SEAWL

COMMUNITY CALL OUT: The South East Animal Welfare League is asking for the community to dig deep where they can. (Melanie Riley: 409093)

Melanie Riley

THE South East Animal Welfare League (SEAWL) is calling out for community support as it faces significant financial challenges.

The SEAWL has an estimated operating cost of $200,000 annually, of which $60,000 was previously provided by both the City of Mount Gambier and District Council of Grant collectively.

Following a decision in 2023 by both councils to cease funding for the league, the total operation costs of the league are now reliant on donations and sponsorship.

President Trevor Twilley said they are turning to the community for further support to at least bridge the gap left by the loss of funding.

“Year to date, from January to June, SEAWL has experienced a $30,000 loss,” Mr Twilley said.

“If we were to continue on that path, we would only be able to remain open with our current assets for a number of years.”

SEAWL, along with everyone, has faced increased costs due to the high cost of living and has also in recent months been so inundated with dogs in particular, it has led to around a four month waiting list for owner surrenders.

Mr Twilley said now more than ever SEAWL is heavily reliant upon the generosity of the community.

“Whilst appreciative of the current economic environment and high cost of living, I certainly urge anyone that has financial capacity to consider donating to SEAWL,” he said.

SEAWL is currently undertaking an initiative to encourage 500 people to donate $10 a month with a one-year commitment, or a one-off annual donation of $120 to make up the $60,000 shortfall.

“If we were to reach that figure, that would replicate what we no longer receive from council,” Mr Twilley said.

For people or businesses wishing to donate higher amounts and commit to ongoing support of SEAWL, sponsorship packages can be purchased.

Further funding is crucial to ensure the continuation of vital services provided by SEAWL, including veterinary care and kitty litter as two of the highest costs the league faces.

For anybody wishing to donate in any capacity or to sign up for an ongoing sponsorship, please contact SEAWL on (08) 8723 9133.

“Any support from the community is appreciated,” Mr Twilley said.