Dream to Create exhibition Creating Dreams

Austin, Tyson, Imogen and Noela enjoy the opening.

Charlotte Varcoe

DREAM to Create artists will have their artwork on show with the officially opening of the newest exhibition Creating Dreams recently held.

A number of unique artworks will remain on display at the Kings Theatre at the Riddoch Arts and Culture Centre for the community to view.

Dream to Create team leader Codie Lockwood said each piece had its own story to tell while evoking emotions and inviting viewers to explore the depth of the imagination.

“From vibrant abstract pieces to stop motion animation this exhibition is a testament to the power of expression,” Ms Lockwood said.

“The unwavering dedication and passion has made this possible and the staff have nurtured creativity and give a platform to members to flourish.”

Ms Lockwood said the exhibition allowed for further inclusion of diversity and the “magic that happens” when creativity was expressed.

“Let’s join together on this journey of creativity, resilience, shared dreams, celebrating artists, dedicated style and about the spirit of possibility,” Ms Lockwood said.

The exhibition will be available for viewing until August 4.

PICTURES: Charlotte Varcoe (420626)