Teakle takes on top job

CHANGEOVER: Past district governor Ian McKay (right) inducted Mark Teakle as the new Mount Gambier Lakes Rotary Club president. (Supplied)

Lakes Rotary recently ushered in a new era when past district governor Ian MaKay inducted Mark Teakle as the 2024-25 president role at the club’s changeover, taking over from outgoing president Marian Hodson.

The club has had a challenging year with several members stepping away from the club due to health or personal reasons.

This impacted activities the club has taken on due to availability of volunteers but with great support from wonderful sponsors the club was able to hold successful key events including the OneFortyOne Blue Lake Fun Run, Australia Day Breakfast, Headlight Checks and the Science and Engineering Challenge.

Over the last 12 months the club has been developing and building partnerships with local domestic and family violence support services and will continue to do so in the coming months.

The first event is Mount Gambier’s Run Against Violence Limestone Coast event launch on August 17 at the Rail lands.

Members would love to see the public come along to find out more and sign up to participate.

More activities to promote awareness and action against domestic and family violence are also in the works.

The club is also actively involved in environmental projects, the most visible being the collection stations at various locations across the city where bottle tops and dental products are then sent for recycling.

This has been incredibly successful with nearly 400kg of bottle tops sent for recycling in little over a year.

While changeover is a great opportunity to look back over the last 12 months to reflect on what has been achieved and to also look forward, it is also a great opportunity to celebrate and the club was proud to award Honorary Membership to inaugural member Alex Shanks.

Acknowledging the attracting new volunteers is a challenge to lots of clubs in communities, Lakes Rotary was hoping to arrest the slide and encourages anyone in the community looking at ways they can give back to their local community to reach out to find out more of what Rotary can provide.

New members will ensure the club is able to continue to provide support to your community.

To find out more please email secretarylakesrotary@outlook.com