Church hosts quilt fundraiser

FESTIVAL OF QUILTS: Elizabeth Hodges from the Anglican Church community and Riding for the Disabled and event organiser Natalie Zwar show off the exhibition. Picture: EMMA STOKES

HANDMADE quilts have taken over the Anglican Church this weekend as part of a fundraiser for Riding for the Disabled Mount Gambier.

The not-for-profit organisation aims to raise funds for further repairs to its fencing along the northern side.

Event organiser Natalie Zwar said she came up with the idea after seeing something similar overseas and needed about $15,000 in total for the fencing.

Ms Zwar said this was a great way to kickstart the fundraising for the upgrades after Riding for the Disabled Mount Gambier increased its clientele after having an employed coach.

Alongside a range of quilts, the Mount Gambier Floral Art Club will have fresh flowers on display to compliment the fundraiser.

All funds raised over the weekend will be split 50-50 between the not-for-profit organisation and the church.

The Festival of Quilts will be held from Thursday until Saturday from 10am until 3pm with a $5 entry fee.