Western Flat beats out Keith

JUNIORS: Scarlett Densley from blue reaching for the ball. Picture: Supplied


Red (1) vs Blue (0)

Red best: Finn Quilter, Mac Loller, Abigail Duell

Red goals: Finn Quilter

Blue best: Emmy Finlayson, Logan Blackwell, Ryan Trebilcock

The first half was very close with both teams looking strong in possession.

Scarlett Densley, Emmy Finlayson and Luke Harkness were playing well for Blue, with Sophie Blackwell, Jennifer Trebilcock and Mac Loller defending well for Red.

Finn Quilter had a beautiful run down the field, beating multiple defenders to break the deadlock and score Red’s first goal. 

The third quarter was played in the Blue forward half with lots of pressure from Red’s, Daimian Pollock and Abigail Duell.

Emma Lambert was making great room for Blue but Hughie McLean was a tower of strength in the Red defence.

Will Heinrich and Logan Blackwell pressured hard for Blue, to get the ball into attack.

Lots of breakaway runs from both teams.

Lots of play in the midfield, ending the game 1-0 to Red.

Black (4) vs Green (3)

Black best: Matt Shugg, Tessa Harkness, Rory Heinrich

Black goals: Oisin Gill-O’Donovan (2), Tessa Harkness, Matt Shugg

Green best: Lachlan Robertson, Ashlyn O’Connor, Ruby Densley

Green goals: Lachlan Robertson (2), Ashlyn O’Connor

On a grey but rain-free morning at Willalooka two evenly matched teams competed fiercely.

Oisin Gill-O’Donovan, Rory Heinrich and Tessa Harkness got the ball forward for Black, but Piper Taylor, Jade Hannaford and Jed Kammerman were up to the challenge.

Lachlan Robertson finished off the quarter with a nice hit off a short corner for Green’s first goal.

Green’s confidence was bolstered early in the second quarter by a beautiful run and goal by Ashlyn O’Connor.

Black refused to back down, with Oisin Gill-O’Donovan scoring two goals from two consecutive short corners.

The second half started evenly, with Matt Shugg getting a great goal past Rufus Loller and star GK, Evie Hancock.

Despite strong defence from Holly McLean, Belinda Taylor and Oscar Dreckow Green’s Lachlan Robertson scored a responding goal leaving the scores tied at 3-all at three-quarter time.

Indi Thomas, Sophie Harkness and Ruby Densley fought hard in the midfield for Green but Darcie Loller, Aiden Hutson and Oscar Dreckow fought back with Tessa Harkness scoring a goal to put the Black team in front.

Constant and persistent play from both sides ensured a very even game, with Black just edging out for the win.


Bordertown (3) vs Willalooka (0)

Bordertown Best: Olivia Diment, Laura Nash, Donna Clark

Bordertown Goals: Laura Nash (2), Olivia Diment

Willalooka Best: Jaime Densley, Piper Taylor, Lauren Fitzgerald

Willalooka girls started their home game with some good runs down into attack resulting in several shorts but were unable to score.

Olivia Diment for Bordertown had some attacking pushes into their circle but cleared well by Willy’s defence.

Bordertown worked well into attack and scored the first goal of the game by Laura Nash.

Bordertown with more short corners but unable to convert due to Willy’s resilient GK Piper Taylor and her back up Sarah Martin and Ailie James-McMaster.

There was a strong start for both teams but Bordertown had more attacking opportunities and Laura Nash scored her second goal for the game.

Shortly after, Olivia Diment scored the third and final goal for the game.

Mundulla (2) vs Keith (1).

Mundulla Best: Tom Gill, Will Heinrich, Oisin Gill-O’Donovan

Mundulla Goals: Oisin Gill-O’Donovan (2)

Keith Best: Claire Harkness, Clarry Martin, Emma Lambert

Keith Goals: Rufus Loller

Early in the first quarter Mundulla had multiple short corners, Keith standing strong in somewhat muddy conditions, working together to keep the ball out of the goals.

There was a lot of up and down the field from both teams.

Keith’s Rufus Loller scored the first goal of the game, after having a great run down the field.

Keith were all fired up, wanting to get another goal on the board.

With a lot of hard even work from both teams up and down the field Mundulla’s Oisin Gill- O’Donovan scored the second goal of the game causing both teams to be tied 1-1.

The second half started with both teams trying to battle through each other’s strong defence.

Tom Gill for Mundulla had an opportunity for a flick on goals but unfortunately missed, leaving Keith’s GK relieved.

Mundulla had an opportunity from a short corner where Oisin scored his second goal for the game bringing Mundulla in for a 2-1 lead.


Western Flat (5) vs Keith (2)

Western Flat Best: Maddy Spano, Matt Gaden, Tom Pietsch

Western Flat Goals: Jack Thomson, Danny Verall, Matt Gaden, Hamish Verco, Jacob Henson

Keith Best: Andrew Harkness, Matt Shugg, Will Martin

Keith Goals: Aaron Pietzsch, Will Martin

There was plenty of movement on a soft track early in the game.

Good pressure from Western Flat forced a short corner but Hamish Verco’s shot at goals was just wide.

Jack Thompson showed his skill in the scoring circle but the ball sailed over the top of goals.

A team effort goal by Western Flat, pushed in by Matt Gaden, finished out the first quarter.

Western Flat, with most of the play and short corners, were rewarded with a classy goal to Hamish Verco.

A good reply from Keith’s Andrew Harkness and Will Martin saw Keith score their first goal.

Jacob Henson at the mud end of the field to give Western Flat a two-goal lead.

There was a great glove save from Keith goalie Kyle Hancock late in the third quarter.

A short corner to Western Flat after the whistle in the third but no score with the ball sent wide of goals.

Goal to Jack Thomson for Western Flat.

Keith answered with Aaron Pietzsch scoring the second goal for Keith.

Maddy Spano’s work within the 25 rewarded with a close-range goal to Danny Verall from Western Flat.

Willalooka (2) vs Bordertown (0)

Willalooka Best: Michael Darbyshire, Brody Lock, Harry Martin

Willalooka Goals: Matt Day, David Comer

Bordertown Best: Travis Carter, Finn Quilter, Lachlan Robertson

First quarter saw a lot of back and forth as both teams tested each other’s defences.

A goalie changeover for Bordertown due to an injury to Jonah Williams saw Tim Diment stepping into the pads.

The second quarter started with Willalooka having a strong run down the field with Michael Darbyshire having a shot on goal which was defended well by Bordertown, but Matt Day slotted the first goal of the game from the deflection.

David Comer scored Willalooka’s second goal.

Third quarter started with great defence from Bordertown with Willalooka having a few penalty corners but couldn’t convert.

Tim Diment wasn’t sure if he was playing hockey or footy and booted a ball almost onto the top field!

Michael Darbyshire had some strong runs into the goals but was unable to score a goal against Bordertown’s sturdy defence.

A flick was awarded to Willalooka’s Brody Lock, but was unable to sneak it past the goalie.

The fourth quarter saw both teams hit the ball up and down the field with both strong attacking and defending.

No more goals were scored with the final whistle being blown.

Next game will be held at Virgo Park in Bordertown, July 6. Juniors start playing at 11.15am.