Cross border commissioner interviews underway

CROSS BORDER: Premier Peter Malinauskas has reaffirmed a new cross border commissioner would be based in Mount Gambier/ Berrin, with interviews for the role currently taking place. Picture: File

Emma Stokes

Premier Peter Malinauskas has reaffirmed a new cross border commissioner would be based in Mount Gambier/ Berrin, with interviews for the role currently taking place.

Panel interviews are being conducted by Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) chief executive Damien Walker, DPC executive director Jess Pisani and Mount Gambier/ Berrin’s McDonnell and Sons owner Ian McDonnell.

Mr Malinauskas confirmed the governor had the final say as to who would be appointed to the role.

During budget estimates Mr Malinauskas said the state government expected the cross border commissioner would continue to reside in or near Mount Gambier/ Berrin.

“There were interviews last Friday, so presumably I will receive advice in the not too distant future about the outcome of that process,” he said.

According to Mr Malinauskas the 2024/25 annual budget for the cross border commissioner, including all functions, would be $525,000.

Mr Malinauskas also said he and his board were committed to the position of cross border commissioner and reviews would be ongoing.

“In the ordinary course of events, I would hope to fill this position in the not too distant future and let that individual and their office run its course for a period to establish what might be improved into the future,” he said.

“I will be catching up with the cross border commissioner, like I catch up with other senior executives and positions accountable to me, on a semi-regular basis.”

He said this would be done as a way to discuss what could be done to ensure the role is best equipped to be able to fulfill the objectives set by the board.