Students show a lot of ‘art’

Mayor Lynette Martin, Principal Kirsty Hill and Adam Box judged the works.

Elisabeth Champion

Budding artists at McDonald Park Primary School had a chance to show of their talents at the biannual art show last week.

Each student entered a piece of work based on the theme of elements, with each class creating different interpretations of the theme.

Principal Kirsty Hill said the show was a highlight on the calendar for teachers, parents and students.

“The art show is actually one of the most celebrated community school community events – when we were having a review of all of the events that we actually hold, the governing council and parents rated this one highly,” she said.

“This year, the theme was the elements using fire earth, water and air, and as you could see from the display people have interpreted in so many ways.

“It is the wonder of art and the wonder of a creative mind.

“It’s been absolutely amazing to see what the children have done with it, under the guidance of the teachers.”

“It never ceases to amaze me as to how clever and how much talent there is.

“I would hope that this actually provides them with an opportunity to go ‘I can do this’ and take it further if that’s what they choose.

“That’s what we really hope for with these big events, that they are an opportunity for kids to actually explore and dabble to see whether or not this is actually for them.”

With so many great pieces to choose from, students had a hard tome picking best in class in each category.

“Part of the Australian Curriculum is that they do analyse art, they are quite reflective about art,” Ms Hill said.

“So all of the children have come in and they’ve actually viewed this with their teachers and they’ve been involved in choosing the best in class.

“They have a buddy class where an older class will be with a younger class and they will often do activities together every couple of weeks, so they have come in and chosen the best that they think to their particular class, and that’s part of their appraisal, as well.

While it was a fun and educational opportunity for the children, it was also a great chance for parents and families to connect, with students keen to show off their work to their loved ones.

On the night, Ms Hill was joined by Mayor Lynette Martin and Adam Box, who helped to judge the show.

Winning Best in Show on the night were Ashlyn Donovan, Charlotte Green, Johnty, William and Luna.