Yarns and yodels at Brad Cox

Brad Cox with fiancé Sammy White.

Melanie Riley

BRAD Cox finished up his ‘Yarns and Yodels’ regional tour in Mount Gambier/Berrin on Sunday night.

Supported by Bud Rokesky at the Sir Robert Helpmann theatre, Cox’s show was an intimate one – full of moving country ballads and lots of laughs.

With favourites like Beer and Fishin’ and Acres and What in the World, which he dedicated to everyone that made his tour possible.

“There are a lot of people that make this roadshow happen, and I’m very thankful to them,” he said.

“They spend a lot of time away from home, and I’d like to sing this song dedicating it to their family – their kids, their wives, their dogs.

“We spend a lot of time on the road and I’m very thankful to them to for helping me chase this dream.”