Fulwood debut single

NOSTALGIA: Mount Gambier/Berrin singer and songwriter Lilli Fulwood released her debut single last week. Picture: Amanda Lengyel Photography

Charlotte Varcoe

MOUNT Gambier/Berrin singer and songwriter Lilli Fulwood has released her debut single Nostalgia.

The triple-layer song reflects on Ms Fulwood’s love for the iconic 1980’s theme and her wishing to travel back in time.

Making connections while studying her Bachelor of Music, Ms Fulwood said the single came naturally to her before signing up to newly developed Australian Christian records.

“One of the connections that came from my studies was Aaron Duff who is pioneering a new record label called Australian Christian records and we connected, he listened to some of my demos and one thing led to another,” Ms Fulwood said.

“Nostalgia is my ode to the 1980s because I love 80s music and so it is a collaboration between myself and Aaron with a pop instrumental kind of inspiration.”

She said there were a number of meanings behind the song including the lyrics being the “bare bone” with no “fancy words” such as other songs in the 80s era.

“The second layer is this story of someone who misses the 80s including all of the colour and fun of that time but they did not actually get to live through it,” Ms Fulwood said.

“The third layer is the lyrics and song is a metaphor for heaven and the idea you are meant for someplace greater.

“You yearn for it and have these grand ideas of what it is like but you have never actually been there.”

She said thus far the support had been incredible and overwhelming with an extended play (EP) due to be released in the coming months.

“We have four songs that we have been working on and Nostalgia is one of them,” Ms Fulwood said.

“This has been a big community process in so many aspects, we are dreaming to go big with this but at the end of the day there are community connections and the people you support along the way are those who have allowed it to happen.”