Radiation funding remains on hold

FUNDING REMAINS: The $4.3m from the state government for radiation treatment has remained until the feasibility study is considered. Picture: FILE

Charlotte Varcoe

THE $4.3m for radiation treatment is still on hold for the Mount Gambier and District Hospital subject to a treatment facility feasibility study.

The study is expected to be put before the Limestone Coast Local Health Network in the coming meetings.

It comes as the state budget – which was handed down last week- detailed a number of targets for the 2024-2025 financial year.

These targets included commencing construction of a six-bed emergency extended care unit, a six bed sub-acute mental health unit and two-bed drug and alcohol withdrawal unit at the local health service.

This remains in line with the pre-election commitments.

The targets also include commencing building works at the Naracoorte Health Service, delivering a site masterplan for the service while completing the Limestone Coast Local Health Network Regional Clinical Services and Infrastructure Plan.

The evaluation and action on the recommendations from the Radiation Therapy Feasibility Study report is also on the cards with the completion of the Bordertown Country Health Connect building replacement.

Minister for Health and Wellbeing Chris Picton confirmed the state funding had been retained pending the outcome of the study and would not progress with any construction contracts to the alternative cancer consult suite.

“That was agreed to after the rejection of radiation therapy under the former state and federal Liberal government,” Mr Picton said.

“The feasibility study, conducted by Health Q Consulting, has progressed since late last year and is expected to be presented to the LImestone Coast Local Health Network at the end of this month.”