New scholarship to ease pressure

HELP OFFERED: Lakes Rotary Club president Marian Hodson, club member Colleen James and GTE general manager Greg Megaw are excited to offer the new scholarship. Picture: Supplied

A new scholarship will be offered by Group Training Employment (GTE) thanks to the Mount Gambier Lakes Rotary Club.

The club has provided $5000 for a 2024/25 scholarship, which would support a South East trade apprentice who has demonstrated hardship in their personal circumstances and aptitude in vocational education and training, to achieve their potential by successfully completing their trade training.

Rotary president Marian Hodson said the scholarship would offer some support.

“As a club we feel it is important that we recognise some of the struggles our young people are going through and that we do our best to offer them support to achieve their goals in spite of some of the barriers they may be facing,” she said.

GTE general manager Greg Megaw said the scholarship would “make a significant difference”.

“Having our Apprentices safely complete their apprenticeship and gain their qualification is our highest priority,” he said.

“For individuals this isn’t always easy and as a company we provide a lot of support to our workers, giving them the best chance of getting through successfully.

“We pride ourselves on the role we play within our community and to have the Mount Gambier Lakes Rotary Club offer this scholarship will make a significant difference to someone who may one day be training our next generation of apprentices.”

Rotary member Colleen James’ late husband Rob was the first manager at GTE and later served as rotary president, and Ms James said he would be chuffed by the scholarship.

“I know he would be very impressed with seeing the change and growth in GTE and the organisation that it has become,” she said.

“It is just wonderful that we can join together and offer this opportunity to make a positive difference to a young person in our community.”

The scholarship is open to any apprentice who is employed with a GTE host employers and would be undertaking their first, second, third or fourth year in 2024/5.

The financial support the scholarship provides is intended to be used by the recipient to reduce the burden of costs associated with undertaking their trade, such as travel for work and/or training, tools, maintaining reliable transport or living away from home expenses.

Scholarship nominations close Wednesday, June 19, at 5pm.

For more information, including eligibility criteria and nomination forms, contact GTE WHS and compliance officer Charlie Matthews on 8721 2345 or via