importance of care directives highlighted


“It’s your life and your death – get your words right and the process right” was the message Naracoorte Men’s Probus Club learnt recently.

The talk was about Advanced Care Directives (ACD_) which, in 2014 replaced the old Enduring Guardian Power of Attorney.

An Advance Care Directive empowers people to make clear legal arrangements for their own future health care, end of life, preferred living arrangements and other personal matters.

Brian Gepp spoke of his experience caring for his wife with progressively worsening dementia.

He then spoke on how citizens can ensure their medical wishes are followed.

Mr Gepp told of his campaign to assist in understanding of and writing Advanced Care Directives (ACD’s).

Firstly, there must be awareness of these ACD’s,

and where to get them.

Probus were alerted and told that there needs to be greater awareness of Advanced Care Directives, especially since the new form has been recently released without any publicity.

Examples were given about ACD’s lack of availability or visibility.

They can be obtained via the SA health web site.

Questions were asked by those in attendance, and some local examples were given of availability and publicity, including what the Naracoorte Lions Club have done. Obviously even more can be done.

The message was very clear from Brian Gepp, a man who has had first-hand experience while caring for his wife and her dementia.

Since this experience he has campaigned to ensure Advanced Care Directives are known about, written correctly and adhered to by all treating the patient.

In the case of Dementia sufferers a discussion of the ‘late’ stages of the disease is vital early after diagnosis, because preparing an ACD requires mental capacity. This discussion is often the most difficult

to have as you are talking about preparing to lose your loved one at some time in the future.

Brian Gepp is from the Adelaide Hills area, but is willing to talk to groups in the Limestone Coast by arrangement via