$800k grant for industrial estate development

FUNDING: Member for Mackillop Nick McBride, Minister for Regional Development Clare Scriven, Tatiara District Council mayor Liz Goossens, council director infrastructure and operations Aaron Hillier with elected members. Picture: Sophie Conlon

Sophie Conlon

Expansions of the Keith Industrial Estate will benefit from a $800,000 grant from the state government.

Tatiara District Council was successful in their application to the Enabling Infrastructure Program, with the grant set to help in delivering a further 10 allotments in the estate.

Ranging from 4000 to 6000m2, mayor Liz Goossens said the grant -paired with council’s proposed $1 million allocation- would be a great help in getting the project off the ground.

“There has been a real need for a new blocks in the industrial estate, since about 2018 we have not had any land available,” she said.

“This is a great location in the fact it’s between the Dukes Highway and the Riddoch Highway and there is certainly a need.

“The business community has indicated they want this and we have now acted along with the state government helping us to achieve that.

It was estimated the project would cost $3.3 million, and Ms Goossens said the last $1.5 million would come from council’s cash reserves.

“Getting the $800,000 makes it far more viable for us to act on,” she said.

Ms Goossens said there had been a lot of interest from Keith businesses so far and expected there would be a good take up.

“I am sure there will be a quick response now that we have made this announcement and people now know it’s got the go ahead,” she said.

Minister for Reginal Development Clare Scriven said the project was supported as it would provide broader benefits to the whole Keith community.

“It will assist the businesses that want to establish here, but that leads to better employment, it leads to more people using retail outlets in town,” she said.

“It really does give that broad base benefit and that is one of the key goals of the Enabling Infrastructure Program.

“It is infrastructure that doesn’t just benefit an individual business, but has that widespread benefit overall.”

Ms Goossens agreed more industrial space would lead to more people moving here, which could lead to population growth.

“Keith is a well established area and it has proven to be a thriving community and district, that flows on through the whole Tatiara,” she said.

“It has always been successful when a town has had well established industrial estates, it keeps it all together.”

Member for MacKillop Nick McBride said projects like this thrived with a collaborative approach and congratulated council.

“The council has not let an opportunity go by and hopefully that continues, once that is done we will continue to look at other developments.”

“Encouraging businesses to capitalise on Keith’s prime location midway along the Melbourne to Adelaide freight route, and at the junction to Mount Gambier, creates further potential to bring other industries to the area.

“This will in turn lead to more employment opportunities for the town.

“I look forward to seeing this estate grow.”

The expansion is planned to the east of Stirling Road along the Dukes Highway.

Updated infrastructure would include stormwater drainage, road pavement, kerbing, sewerage, and electrical and internet connections creating 46 local jobs and an estimated growth in Gross Domestic Product of $8.2 million.

It is expected the project would go out to tender in the next few months, with construction planned for late 2024.